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First western translation of Qianlong's poem; bookplate designed by Friedrich H. Schiff

[Qianlong, Emperor of China, 1711-9]; Amiot, Jean Joseph Marie Éloge de la Ville de Moukden et de ses Environs; Poeme composé par Kien-Long, Empereur de la Chine & de la Tartarie, actuellement régnant. Accompagné de Notes curieuses sur la Géographie, sur l'Histoire naturelle de la Tartarie Orientale, & sur les anciens usages des Chinois; composées par les Editeurs Chinois & Tartares. On y a joint une Piece de Vers sur le Thé, composé par le même Empereur. Paris N.M. Tilliard; M. Deguignes 1770
First edition, pp.xxiv, xxxviii, 381, [3, errata; approbation; privilege du Roi]. Text in French. A very good copy bound in contemporary calf, neatly re-backed, all edges red. Boards slightly rubbed and scuffed, end-papers toned, small label fixed to lower board. Rare early 20th century bookplate of Dr. O. Fischer, designed by Friedrich H. Schiff (1908-1968), one of the great cartoonists of Shanghai between 1929 and 1947.
Lowendahl 552

The first western translation of Qianlong's poem in praise of the capital of the Manchu dynasty, along with a smaller piece on Tea, also by the Emperor, to which is added numerous notes by the translator Amiot on geography, history, and customs to enable the work to be better understood and appreciated by Western readers. Jean Joseph Marie Amiot (1718–1793) was a French Jesuit missionary in Qing China, during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, becoming a close confidant and official translator for Western languages. He is credited with largely expanding the West's understanding of China, being prolific in his time in translating Chinese works for the West, including the first ever Western translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Dr. O. Fischer, a Shanghai lawyer, was managing director of the Austro-Asiatic Trading Company.